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1h45 – CHF 280.-

A session with Eni

The “Emotions energetics” treatment is a combination of “Spinal Flow”, a holistic approach that aims to restore balance and harmony in the body’s energy flow, particularly in the spinal region, and Kundalini, a holistic approach to healing and enhancing care that focuses on activating and balancing the dormant spiritual energy called Kundalini.

It uses techniques such as massage, acupressure, stretching and gentle manipulation of the vertebrae to promote the fluid circulation of vital energy along the spine. This treatment can relieve pain, improve mobility, reduce stress and boost vitality.

In particular, this treatment can help relieve pre-menopausal symptoms by restoring the energetic balance that may be unbalanced due to hormones, such as fatigue, as well as emotional and psychological changes.

Book a treatment with Eni

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Heures d’ouvertures pour les soins

Lundi au vendredi

10:00 à 17:30


Lundi au vendredi

09h30-12h00 et 14h00 – 17h30

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